Welcome To A Class Act: 45 Years of Gateway Christian Schools!

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Displaying items 157 - 161 of 161 in total

Dog Gift Basket

Happy Leash Pet Service

Family mini golf package at NW G...

Jamie Hayworth

Handy Man for the day! Eight hou...

Rick Lopez & Keith Orr

The infamous maintenance team of Rick Lopez and Keith Orr are willing to come to your place and repair, build, clean, or mow! They will each donate four (4) hours of time for a total of 8 hours! Super Duper Priceless! 

The infamous maintenance team of Rick Lopez and Keith Orr are willing to come to your place and repair, build, clean, or mow! They will each donate four (4) hours of time for a total of 8 hours! Super Duper Priceless! 

The infamous maintenance team of Rick Lopez and Keith Orr are willing to come to your place and repair, build, clean, or mow! They will each donate four (4) hours of time for a total of 8 hours! Super Duper Priceless! 

Chocolate Covered Apple and Gift...

Amy's Decadent Chocolates

Painting for two (2)!

Dancing Brush Ceramic Painting Studio

Two (2) paint sessions and 2 10 oz coffee mugs! 

Two (2) paint sessions and 2 10 oz coffee mugs! 

Two (2) paint sessions and 2 10 oz coffee mugs! 


History Sponsor

Heritage Sponsor